How to Deal with Killer Lecturers

When you are in college, you will face various lecturers who have different characters. Starting from easy going, fun, indifferent, to killer. Of the many lecturer characters, killer lecturers may be one of the lecturers that students avoid or even fear.

However, no matter how often you avoid them, there will be a time when you will be in contact with the killer lecturer. Whether it’s in class, being a supervisor during a thesis, or even being an examiner during a defense.

So that you are not shocked and afraid anymore when facing a killer lecturer, let’s look at the following 9 tips for dealing with killer lecturers:

1. Get to Know Their Character Well

The first step you have to take to deal with a killer lecturer is to get to know their character well. You need to remember that killer lecturers are not always bad. Sometimes they are just bored or have problems so they are in a bad mood.

They really just want to give the best to their students. Moreover, every killer lecturer must have their own fun side. You just need to know when to relax, and when to be serious. By recognizing their character, it will be easier for you to communicate and adapt to the killer lecturer.

2. Master the Material

If you have the opportunity to get a supervisor buy telemarketing data who is known as a killer lecturer, then you must really master your thesis before doing guidance or consultation with him. This also applies when you get a killer lecturer class.

By mastering the material given by the lecturer, there will be a two-way discussion between you and the lecturer. This will allow you to absorb the knowledge given by the lecturer. The lecturer will also certainly be happy because you pay attention to the material well.

3. Become a Disciplined Student

The thing that killer lecturers dislike the most is related to discipline. Even lecturers who are known to be relaxed will definitely be annoyed if they find students who are not disciplined. Especially discipline in time.

For example, when you make an appointment to consult with a killer lecturer, discipline and punctuality are mandatory for students. You must be present 5-10 minutes before the lecturer arrives. Likewise, when asked to submit assignments or results, don’t be late.

4. Use Polite Sentences When Speaking
Communicating using polite sentences with others is something that must be done. Especially if the person we are talking to is a lecturer and is in an academic environment.

The term teacher is a parent at school also applies at the university level. Lecturers are considered your parents, so if you want to talk to them, you must use good communication ethics. Avoid using slang sentences that are often used when hanging out because maybe some lecturers don’t understand the meaning of the sentence so that miscommunication occurs.

5. Reduce Making Mistakes

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You need to remember that lecturers who are known to be killers are very easily provoked, even with small things. The cause could start from yourself who made a mistake without you realizing it. For example, being late to class, forgetting to make an appointment before meeting him and other mistakes that eventually make him spontaneously scold you.

To avoid the scolding of a killer lecturer, try to reduce or even avoid things that annoy him. Reduce small mistakes that can trigger his anger follow thought leaders on linkedIn and never repeat the same mistake. The same mistake will only make him feel even more annoyed and angry with you.

6. Be Confident in Your Abilities

No matter how skilled the lecturer you meet is, you must be confident in your own abilities. If you have good abilities in the field taught by the killer lecturer, try to show those abilities. This can impress the lecturer and give better grades.

You can also show your enthusiasm for attending his class by doing assignments well, disciplined and on time. Consider the lecturer who is known as a killer on campus as a challenge and motivation to continue learning so that you get the best grades.

7. Dare to Ask and Answer Questions
One of the students that lecturers like is when adb directory students actively ask and answer questions. Including killer lecturers. Being active in class does not mean that you are trying to curry favor with the lecturer. On the contrary, you will be assessed as attending the class well.

There is nothing wrong with asking questions in class. Answering incorrectly is also not a problem. To do this, of course, what you need to pay attention to is being polite to the lecturer.

8. Start by Greeting Him First
The interaction between lecturers and students is not only limited to the classroom. Even when you are outside and meet a lecturer.

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