Javanese Literature Department: Complete Information

For the problem of choosing a major after graduating from high school, it has become a common problem for prospective new students. Many prospective new students are confused about choosing not only a major, but also the campus they want to go to.

Well, for those of you who are still confused in choosing a major but have a passion in education, maybe the non-formal education major could be your choice. Do you already know about this major? If not, are you curious about the explanation? The following will explain in full about the non-formal education major starting from the definition to the campus recommendations.

What is the Non-Formal Education Department?

The Department of Non-Formal Education is one of the study programs that focuses on the development and implementation of educational programs outside of school. Graduates from the non-formal education department are expected to have the ability to manage, educate and develop Early Childhood Education and Non-Formal Education.

The Department of Non-Formal Education or better known as non-formal education, this department studies methods, techniques, and strategies in providing education for children and adolescents outside the school environment.

Furthermore, the goal of the non-formal education major is to prepare students to become educators who are able to develop and manage non-formal education programs according to the needs and conditions of the community. After completing this education, you will receive a degree, namely Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.)

Courses in the Department of Non-Formal Education

After reading the explanation about the Non-Formal Education major above, are you more interested in continuing your studies in that major? To be more sure, here are some courses that will be studied in the non-formal education major.

  1. Basic Concept of PLS, learning conducted outside of school such as study groups, courses, seminars, extracurricular. This aims to develop students’ potential broadly and deeply.
  2. General Psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the influence of the environment and social interactions.
  3. Sociology, the study of social factors, also looks at how patterns of out-of-school educational experiences affect social and individual development.
  4. Anthropology, studying the educational process that occurs in families, communities, societies and other social environments. Inc database shop luding the study of culture, values, and norms.
  5. Information Technology, studying how to solve business problems and improve efficiency in organizations.
  6. Human Resource Development, the process of improving the skills, knowledge, and abilities of individuals or groups to achieve corporate goals and improve the quality of life.
  7. Educational Science, understanding the theory and practice in improving learning and analyzing and understanding the factors that influence educational success.

Reasons for Choosing a Non-Formal Education Major

To continue your studies, of course you must have the right reasons, so that you don’t make the wrong choice, here are the reasons that you can use as a reference for continuing to the School Background Education major.

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Graduates from the Non-Formal Education department produce academic-professional education personnel who have the ability to apply science and technology in the management of educational institutions and programs. Both in quality and relevance to development needs.

This will give you, as a graduate of the non-formal education major, the opportunity to develop communication skills and make positive contributions to society through activities.

Career Prospects for Non-Formal Education Majors

Graduates from non-formal education majors have quite good job prospects in various fields, some examples are as teachers in tutoring institutions, Directorate General of PAUD and DIKMAS, Ministry of Education and Culture. 

Furthermore, graduates from the n 26 of the best wordPress themes for authors on-formal education department can also work at the Non-formal and Informal Early Childhood Education Development Center, Learning Activity Centers, Incentive Village Facilitators, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Community Education Activity Centers, and many more.

So, for those of you who want to continue your studies in this department, you don’t need to worry, because the job opportunities and prospects are broad.

Campuses with Non-Formal Education Departments

Semarang State University (UNNES)

For campuses that provide extramural education majors, perhaps they can still be counted on the fingers. Well, one of the campuses with a quality extramural education major is UNNES.

Semarang State University (UNNES) provides a Non-Formal Education (PLS) major which has 4 Professors, 10 Doctors and 7 Masters who will lead students to become superior and professional.

UNNES is a well-known state university in Semarang and has been accredited A. Not only is the academics superior, this campus also provides very adequate facilities.

At Semarang State University (UNNES), the non-formal education major is one of the study programs offered at the Faculty of Education. This study program prepares its graduates to become educators in non-formal educational institutions such as community learning centers, learning communities, and others.

The non-formal education department at UNNES follows the curriculum set by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The curriculu aleartnews m is designed to provide competencies to its graduates so that they can understand and implement the principles of non-formal education according to the needs of the community.

During their education, students majoring in non-formal education will gain a lot of experience and knowledge about appropriate learning methods for non-formal education, and management techniques for non-formal educational institutions.

Students will also get the opportunity to do field work practice in non-formal educational institutions to practice what they have learned on campus.

More info.

Also read: Check out the secret reasons why you should study at UNNES

Islamic University of Nusantara (UNINUS)

The next best non-formal education major is also at UNINUS. This major is under the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. This faculty has a vision of “Becoming an Islamic, independent, and superior faculty of teacher training and education in 2025 with the spirit of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah an Nahdliyah”.

In organizing its education, this faculty aims to produce educators, education personnel, scientists, intellectuals, and experts who are Islamic, independent, and have excellence according to their scientific fields, including non-formal education majors.

More info .

Also read: Ready to Become a UNINUS Student? Let’s Get to Know Them Better!

Payment of Tuition Fees for the UNNES Non-School Education Department with Danacita

That is a complete explanation about the non-formal education major that you can understand and use as a material to determine your college major. If you are interested in entering this major but are hindered by costs, you don’t need to worry anymore because now you can study in the non-formal education major at UNNES by paying using Danacita.

UNNES and Danacita have collaborated to provide affordable education financing for students. Danacita is an education financing platform that aims to open access to education for all students in Indonesia.

By using Danacita, your tuition fees will be much more affordable because it can be paid monthly starting from 6 to 24 months. In addition to UNNES, Danacita has also officially collaborated with more than 130 educational institutions throughout Indonesia.

Danacita has also been officially licensed and supervised by OJK so it is definitely safe and secure. The process is also fast and easy online with a maximum of 2 working days without being charged a DP, security deposit or other fees.

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