How We Generated Our First 100 Sales for Free (and How You Can Too)

Posted By Guest Blogger 24th of March 2016 Blog Promotion  0 Comments

This is a guest contribution from Tom Buckland.

Getting your first 100 sales is a huge milestone for any online business, and one we’re all quite keen to reach.

This article outlines the strategy I used to uae phone number generate more than 100 sales for my fitness business. The method itself can be extracted and used to promote your product or blog directly, and even if you don’t have a product this strategy can lead to a huge amount of traffic – all for free.

The strategy itself involves contacting updated 2024 mobile phone number data influencers in your industry and offering something of value, then making use of  their following to get visitors to your website.

In my example I contacted fitness experts with a social following of between 500-500,000 followers or subscribers, not top-level fitness personalities with millions of followers, but people with large enough audiences to make it work.

I explain why in a moment.

Generate Your First 100 Sales

Firstly, we cover where to start:

Stage 1: Finding Industry Experts

updated 2024 mobile phone number data

Finding these influencers is very simple, with the tools now available. you can use sites such as IzeaBuzzsumo or you can manually find the individuals by searching through twitter or YouTube – often you’ll know who the big players are in your niche.

This also works for blogs, although it is more difficult to gauge the popularity of a blog. I recommend SEMrush to discover the worth of a blog if you are to be finding them manually.

Once you’ve gathered a list of influencers (I recommend around 100-200) you need to find their relevant contact information, websites, social accounts, everything they are associated with on the web.

Our end goal is going to be getting લોજિસ્ટિક્સ સૉફ્ટવેર: ઑપ્ટિમાઇઝિંગ ઑપરેશન્સ our product, service or website shared through these channels, so knowing how powerful or important someone can be for your business is essential. Getting their correct contact information is even more essential.

Once you have this information you can move onto stage 2.

Stage 2: Initial Connection

Never contact an influencer and just start pitching.

It’s likely they receive hundreds of emails a day, and anything considered self-promotion will just be deleted. Instead, you want to build a connection. You want to make your communication personal and personable.

I did this by asking a question, stating I was a fan of the blog/channel and explaining what we needed. For example opinions on product X or Y, or a quote for an article you’re putting together.

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