How to Move to Spain and Not Regret Anything: Personal Experience

A year ago, Valentina Miroshnichenko moved to Spain and since then has never ceased to be amazed by the new reality that surrounds her. In this article, she told about what fascinated her about Spain, how she moved to this country and how to organize effective remote work.

Organizing a working day in Madrid

I moved to Madrid last February, two weeks before the lockdown started. I came because of a man: we met in the summer, saw each other a few times, fell in love, and he suggested trying to live together. Since both he and I were afraid that I would not be able to live in a city that I did not really like, I planned to stay in Madrid for a couple of months and return to Ukraine to make a final decision – to move to Spain or stay in Kyiv. And then library shop the quarantine started and I realized that if I leave now, no one knows how many years I will be able to come back. So I had to choose quickly – love and work remotely, or a familiar life in my favorite city, where I have my own home, relatives, my own personal account, a client base, my whole life. And now I’ve been here for a year, married and preparing documents for permanent residence.

So I definitely had something to compare with.


As for architecture, other cities such as Toledo


library shop


Valencia, Barcelona, ​​Malaga have a lot of beauty: castles, ruins or stunning new buildings, everything breathes history and uniqueness. You can walk for hours and not get tired for a second. Once in Valencia, I sat near the Cathedral (which is more than 7 centuries old!) for about three hours – just admiring it, walking around, eating ice cream and breathing in this atmosphere. I was very lucky, because due to the lockdown there are practically no tourists – everything is uncrowded, calm and relaxed. And the people here are the same everywhere – kind, sympathetic, will help, support, tell you everything.

I am a professional 4 reasons to upgrade the control center psychologist, psychotherapist, naturopath. I help people change their lives fundamentally. Make them happy, get rid of suffering and physical pain with the help of natural remedies and inner growth. Everything I share, I go through first-hand, I am constantly studying at the best universities in Europe. I speak three languages ​​fluently, which allows me to work online with clients from different countries. But like any freelance, my business needs constant progress, self-discipline and various knowledge.

For me, this is happiness – to change my life, motivate others and help people live the life they dreamed

To organize effective remote work, you need practice and here’s what else:


Make a clear, realistic plan and stick by lists to it as strictly as possible. The stricter, the more productive.
You need to have a goal that you are going towards and understand why you are working remotely. Because often work is emotionally draining and the only engine of progress is you yourself.
Sooner or later, you need to find that remote job that is your whole essence, that brings not only money, but also satisfies your other needs, more spiritual ones – for help, for self-realization, for beautiful or it.

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