Tackling the Biggest Challenges of Being a Solo Entrepreneur with Robert Gerrish of FlyingSolo

In today’s lesson, I have a real treat for those of you who spend most of your working life alone as solo-entrepreneurs.


Over in the ProBlogger Podcast listeners facebook group this week I ran a little poll to see how many of you as listeners work alone vs work in teams. The results were as I suspected – 93% of you work alone on your blogs.

Of the other 7% – most had family members or . Readers volunteer their time to . Help out a little with some small aspect of their blog but it was largely a solo venture.

This is no surprise to me at all because in cmb directory  the regular surveys we do of ProBlogger readers and listeners we regularly . Get asked questions on some of the challenges that solo-entrepreneurs face.

As a result for today’s episode I asked Robert Gerrish to join me. Robert is a coach, teacher and community leader who has a passion for solo business owners. He’s the owner of an Australian site – FlyingSolo and has recently put together an excellent resource for solo-business owners called Soloism.

I chatted with Robert earlier today, and I asked him about some of the biggest challenges I see in our community of solo-entrepreneurs. We talk about productivity. Focus. Loneliness, personal development, motivation, feeling overwhelmed and how to get through times when things don’t seem to work. He also gives us some tools and apps that solo business owners will find useful.

If you’re a solo-entrepreneur (or want to be) you’re going to updated 2024 mobile phone number data relate to a lot of what we talk about in this episode. I came away from this chat feeling motivated and inspired for my own business and hope you enjoy it to.

Listen to this interview in the player above or here on iTunes.

Further Resources on How to Overcome the Challenges of Being a Solo Entrepreneur

  • Soloism 20% Discount Link

‘Note: we are an affiliate and earn a small commission if you purchase Soloism but we offer our genuine recommendation for it and the teaching of Robert.’

updated 2024 mobile phone number data

Full TranscriptExpand to view full transcript

Darren: Hi there and welcome to Episode 181 of the ProBlogger Podcast!

My name is Darren Rowse and

I’m the blogger behind  a blog, a podcast, event, Πρέπει να δημιουργήσετε ορατότητα job board and a series of ebooks all designed . To help you as a blogger to start an amazing blog.  Beautifully designed and to create amazing ‘. Content for it and to grow that audience . That you’ve been dreaming of and to hopefully make some.  Money from your blog as well. You can learn more about.

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