What Is Content Marketing? Examples and Its Importance for Business

When you hear the word content marketing and then you get an idea to start it properly, then you have understood it. However, if you are still confused, then this article is perfect for you to read until the end.

Content marketing is part of how marketing works, both conventionally and digitally. Not only creating content, you also have to have the right marketing strategy to achieve business goals.

Talking about business goals, content marketing includes certain techniques in the best content distribution channels to attract and gain as many audiences as possible according to the target market. That’s why it’s important for you to study this article before creating content.

Further Reading: 5 Most Important Digital Marketing KPIs for Business

What is Content Marketing ?

content marketing and examples
Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and gain a clear audience . This definition from the Content Marketing Institute relates to determining content based on the target market if you want to use it to reach prospects.

Valuable content is content that can make the audience respond, such as like, share, comment , or save . It will be even more valuable if the content produces a prospect database so you can follow up with direct marketing .

You can think of content marketing as a technique  recent mobile phone number list for luring prospects into a pond. This assumption is certainly relevant if you want to build a community or group in messenger or Facebook to facilitate the distribution of subsequent content.

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Have you ever seen an advertisement or writing that affects emotions? When you feel that emotion, without you realizing it, the content of the advertisement has actually influenced your perception of a brand .

The Importance of Content Marketing for Business

The new perception that is formed will create an interesting impression so that a brand or brand with the help of emotions is more attached to your memory. This impression makes a person’s memory prioritize the brand when they need something to solve a problem that is relevant to the benefits offered.

Deeper, perhaps you need to understand how marketing content can increase sales conversion rates. Connecting content to sales is certainly easier to understand to explain how important it is for business.

To explain the conversion chronology, imagine you are in the shoes of an audience who has just watched an ad. Because it was so memorable, according to Forbes , you will be motivated to respond to the ad with the following actions:

Realizing the Importance of a Brand
Awareness is a condition when you realize that you have a problem to solve immediately. Well, when you see how impressive the advertisement you have watched is, you start to realize that there is a solution if you use the product in the advertisement.

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The form of awareness can be the curiosity of the audience to know more about a product. Conditions will lead you to the next action.

Conducting Personal Research

It is possible that you will also do social research, such as asking relatives or close friends about the product you have watched in the advertisement. In this condition, you are in the process of finding trust before making it a priority product or even not interested in buying it.

Considering Personal Research

Not everyone has the opportunity or money to buy a product immediately after seeing an advertisement, even if they are very interested. That is why they choose to make a purchase plan at a certain time.

In this action, as a prospect, you will start to think about how to buy the product. You will plan where and when you want to buy the product.

The purchasing process occurs when you have the ability and opportunity to buy a product. You know how to buy it and want to use it immediately. Of course, in this condition the business will benefit because there is a sales conversion.

Other Reading: 8 Ways to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy for Business

Best Content Marketing Examples
Nowadays, the internet is the cheapest and most effective marketing medium for business growth. In relation to content marketing , this is certainly the best solution for distributing quality content to attract new prospects or customers.

So, what are the best examples of content marketing for business? Quoting from Rock Content , these examples of the best digital marketing content are recommendations that you should use:

Blog Posts​
Digital marketing content can be in the form of writing on a blog or website. Usually, written content contains relevant information about the product that is related to the problems that visitors to the blog page are facing.

When visitors start reading

ndirectly the marketing process is taking place. You can use valid data, testimonials, or other supporting things to convince them to take action, such as filling out a form or other call to action .

Video content is the type of content that attracts the most audiences . This is proven if you know that YouTube users continue to increase every year.

In fact, you can use videos on other platforms , such as  peman san kontak websites and social media . This is very helpful in convincing the audience both visually and audibly, thus increasing their awareness of a brand .

Visual Content
Have you ever seen thumbnails or infographics about something? Both of these visual contents are very helpful in attracting the audience’s curiosity to click or read briefly.

Interested audiences will look for more information either through websites, review videos, or recommended social media . Well, this content example will certainly support the marketing process to get further responses, such as sharing content or saving it.

Social Media Content
There is no need to doubt that social media users are increasing. The increase is also accompanied by the completeness of the latest features so that you can track the audience from social media accounts.

You can freely use written content, videos, and images to reach your target audience. If you are still having trouble reaching your audience, you can use paid advertising services that are easily available according to your budget .

Further Reading: 10 Important Metrics for Calculating Marketing ROI

How to Get Started?

Some people can create marketing content in aole mail list dependently on certain platforms. However, to generate high traffic and get new leads faster, partnering with a digital marketing service provider is more recommended.

After all, it’s not easy to build an experienced team quickly. That’s why many big companies use digital marketing agencies , like Apookat, to gain more new customers.

You can choose services according to marketing priorities, such as website creation, SEO content , social media management, or Facebook Ads and Google Ads. Simply consult with the Apookat team, then you will get the best content marketing solution to increase business growth.

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