Virtual reality and augmented reality: Discover!

Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies are present every day for users and developers. With them, customers have a new focus on projects and products, which demand greater attention in the creation processes.

Among the main objectives

Type of reality is to approach customers with technological solutions. In poland phone number data addition to visiting exhibitions in other cities, why not take the surroundings inside smart phones or virtual reality glasses? This is possible.

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However, there are differences between augmented reality and virtual interaction solutions. The first is directly linked to projections of elements in the real environment, while the second depends on certain equipment to visit the virtual world.

Do you want to learn more about the realities and benefits that your products can bring? Hang out with us and discover more about technologies.

Augmented reality is present in games and applications

What is augmented reality in practice?
Augmented reality is part of the routine of users around the world. Games for smart phones, for example, have become a global fashion for bringing familiar characters from the world of games to the real environment where the player executes commands.

In this type of reality, the user needs the cell phone camera or tablet to enjoy the augmented reality experience. Furthermore, technology depends on three other factors:

An object is the real field, where Ο πελάτης C μπορεί απλώς να αναζητήσει ένα τη the virtual element will interact;

An application that will read the captured image;
The device is there, which will return the signal and create the interaction.
Augmented reality is more present than ever in the user’s life. Have you ever tried photographic effects on by lists social networks like Instagram and Snapchat? It also forms part of augmented reality and the routine of those using applications.

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