And that we must transform to alternating in order

And that we must transform to alternating in order To use it in our homes. And depending on the type of cell they are made of, photovoltaic panels are divided into: monocrystalline. Which are made up of sections of a single silicon (Si) crystal (recognizable by their circular or octagonal shape, where the 4 short sides. if you can see in the image, are curved, because it is a cut out circular cell). Polycrystalline, made up of small crystallized particles .

And that we must transform to alternating in order And that we must  has not crystalliz. What is its performance? The larger the glass, the more effective they are. But also the heavier, thicker and more expensive they are. The efficiency of the former can reach 22% while that of the latter may not reach 10%. Photovoltaic panels can generate a large amount of energy. Being able to generate between 120 and 250 W per square meter.

To which it is difficult to bring the electrical line, or with

A connection to the grid. The typical installation of each of the two types can be seen in the following graph. Example of installation in a typical home: 2. Visual aspect For those who do not recognize photovoltaic solar panels from thermal panels by their appearance, since both types appear dark.

Bluish or even black

We will explain how they can be differentiat. Photovoltaic solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that are manufactur from a silicon crystal.

And these are usually

square in shape, with a size of about 20 centimeters on each side. So, when these cells are join together to make the how to find an email address for someone on facebook solar panel, they create a checker appearance like plaid, although dark in color. Image source: Fotolia However, thermal solar panels are manufactur using a tube that runs through the interior. But is visible through the glass, normally in the longest direction.

And although they are paint

The same as the background, longitudinal stripes can usually be seen arrang at Building a Strong Online Presence: the same distance from each other. These stripes are the copper tube that runs through the interior of the panel, and through which the heat-carrying fluid circulates. 3. Size Another way to visually recognize them is by their size. Although there is not much difference, normally thermal solar panels are a little bigger than photovoltaic ones.

And perhaps it is a difference

that if we see them separately we cannot appreciate, when it happens that in a house both types are install. As in the previous photo, the difference in size can be appreciat. 4. Connection For the installation of photovoltaic solar panels, only a pair of electric cables are nee to connect the panels to the inverter inside the house.

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