Cadastral reference: what is it, what is it used for and where to find it?

It is very likely that at some point you have been ask for the cadastral reference of your property , whether when filing your income tax return, requesting a subsidy, taking out home insurance…

This is a very important code, but do you really know what the cadastral reference is? If your answer is no, you don’t have to worry. We can tell you in advance that you are not alone.

Aware of both its importance and its lack of knowlge, at Finetwork we are going to tell you what it is, what it is us for and where you can find the cadastral reference , so that the next time you are ask for it, you know what to do. Let’s get start!

What is the cadastral reference?

The cadastral reference is a unique alphanumeric code assign by the Cadastre to each property in Spain . Any flat, apartment, single-family home or commercial premises must have this code.

This is an official identifier that serves to identify a property in a precise and unequivocal manner , as well as its different characteristics. For example, it performs a similar function to that of license plates on vehicles.

Manag by the General Directorate of Cadastre, the cadastral reference indicates a physical address and is us for a multitude of administrative procures and processes relat to real estate.

How to find the cadastral reference of a property?
There are three ways to search for the cadastral reference of a property , and we will show them to you below:

Consult the cadastral reference in the Cadastre : the easiest way is to obtain the cadastral reference in the Cadastre, either through the Electronic Office or in one of its physical offices. You only ne to provide a series of data such as the full address of the property, the owner of the same or the cadastral reference of a neighbouring property.
Simple registry note : If you have the de accurate mobile phone number list of the property, you can obtain a simple registry note from the corresponding Property Registry. The simple registry note is a document that includes the cadastral reference.
Internet : There are various web portals that allow you to search for the cadastral reference by enterin


accurate mobile phone number list

Aspects relat to cadastral reference

What is the cadastral value?
The cadastral value is the value assign to Šest Google Analytics izvještaja koje biste trebali početi koristiti danas a property according to the valuation criteria establish by the Cadastre, includ in the corresponding municipality’s Value Report. It allows an objective valuation of the property bas on data such as location, age or square meters, and is the basis for calculating property-relat taxes, such as the buying house b Real Estate Tax (IBI) or the Property Transfer Tax (ITP).

What is the cadastral area?
The cadastral area is the measurement of the land or construction of a property register in the cadastral reference . This area is us to calculate different aspects, such as the cadastral value, taxes and other administrative procures.


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