This is a guest contribution from Jonathan Goodman.
I love discovering systems that work in the background so you can focus on your blog.
What I’m going to detail is like the concept of compound interest.
At the beginning, the effects will be small – but over time, as the system continues to work and you keep adding into it small bits, it becomes a monster.
It involves Facebook. And while much has been said about Facebook’s diminishing reach, it still stands as the best platform to find and gather a purposeful audience and promote a blog.
What I want to share with you isn’t how to spam. It’s not how to copy and paste a quote onto a pretty picture and hope that it somehow goes viral. And it’s definitely not how to steal somebody else’s video and upload it as your own. I want to share an intelligent way to generate a perpetual promotion engine.
A couple screenshots taken on a random day to show that I’m not some guy who just talks about this stuff. I use it to build my own site.
But don’t get me wrong, this is not about updated 2024 mobile phone number data vanity metrics like Facebook likes. It’s about email list growth.
A good string of days for email growth, admittedly, but it does happen. 150-350 email leads per day, much of it from Facebook, is where the site sits at right now and each week those numbers continue to inch up.
So what is this magical system?
First, it’s nothing magical.
This is about embedding videos from your Trabajo en curso Duración Varios meses Empresa Facebook page on your blog. After showing you how to do it, I’ll describe the power with it for promoting your blog and gaining leads. Beyond that there’s a few details to generate more traction both on your videos on your blog.
First, the tech stuff
In order for the embed to render on agb directory a WordPress site, you’ll likely have to embed some code into your site. I’m technologically illiterate but sent this post from Facebook to my web guy.
From there, it’s easy. Here’s a walk through:
Step 1: Upload a video to Facebook (sharing a YouTube link won’t work. You’ll have to upload the video manually).