How to generate more sales on Facebook?

The commercial power of Facebook is no longer in doubt! To corroborate this, know that more than 40% of marketing directors and managers declare that the use of this social network is vital for their business.

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With 1.15 billion active users , Facebook  phone number library remains the largest social network in the world and is a lever of choice for companies wishing to generate more sales. Provided of course that you know the basic tips for promoting your page .


phone number library

Here are 5 tips to increase your sales on Facebook!

1) Master the basic techniques!

  • Post at least once a day : Each status is a good way to prospect customers , increase your visibility and improve your  personal branding  . By creating an effective content marketing strategy , you bring added value and will attract the attention of the public, especially your followers.
  • Publish engaging statuses : posting on Facebook every day is good. But knowing how to animate it is even better! If you smooth dynamics of mass increase want to boost interactions on your page (i.e. get likes, comments or shares), put the spotlight on the visual, vary your content so as not to bore your followers and organize contests. To carry out this step, you can call on the services of a Community Manager .
  • Avoid overly promotional speeches : here, our goal is obviously to generate the maximum number of sales. But it is not by throwing flowers at you that you will achieve this. If you want to attract customers, base your canada email lead publications on high added value content and not on promotional speeches. To be more explicit, make sure that 80 % of your statuses are engaging and informative . The remaining 20% , meanwhile, should talk about your company and your promotions .
  • Include calls to action : “  Like this status if you approve…  ”, “  Share this status to let the world know…  ”, “  Feel free to comment to give your point of view  ”… In short, so many simple but effective formulas that will improve interaction on your Facebook page.
Hire a Community Manager to boost your online popularity!

2) Competitive intelligence is always useful

It is always essential to know the strengths and strategy of your competitors , in order to increase your competitiveness. In this step, our goal is not to stupidly copy the content of our opponents, but to analyze the information relating to them ( frequency of publications, times of publications, type of content, etc. ) in order to define your new strategy in relation to the data collected.

3) Build a “monetizable” audience

The more you develop an engaged and receptive audience, the more you will improve the engagement rate of your Facebook page . And the higher it is, the more you will be broadcast in the timeline of your fans. Result: the visibility of your page will be more than efficient!

To help you with this step, here are some tips to know and apply:

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