The New York Times The New York Times uses Telegram Business account for marketing The New York Times has a Telegram channel where they share breaking news and updates about the Russia-Ukraine war. With over 108k subscribers, the channel provides an excellent opportunity for the news
platform to efficiently share the latest information with their readers and engage them with message reactions. Watson’s Malaysia uses Telegram Business account for marketing Watson’s Malaysia, a leading health and beauty retailer in Malaysia, has a Telegram channel where they share promotional offers, festive wishes, and even memes.
With over 29k subscribers, the channel provides an excellent platform for the company to promote their offer and packages such as ‘Kaw Kaw Deals’ and entertaining visuals to engage their customers.
The channel works as an
announcement board for their customers. 3. Samsung telegram blast Russia Samsung Russia uses Telegram Business account for marketing Samsung Russia has a Telegram channel where they share product updates and special features about their products. With over 18.4k subscribers, the channel provides an excellent platform for
Samsung to showcase their
products creatively. They often send out messages in the form this will increase profits make informed decisions of a storyboard or attach the information with appealing video content. They even use the poll feature to collect customers’ opinions from time to time. SleekFlow: the best Telegram Marketing software Connect Telegram for marketing on SleekFlow SleekFlow, as an omnichannel social commerce platform that connects the most popular messaging apps, is the best option for your Telegram marketing strategy.
It provides a comprehensive suite of features that help you, as Telegram marketers, reach your goals faster and more efficiently. With SleekFlow, you can create powerful broadcast Telegram campaigns and send personalized messages to your target audience.
You can also monitor the performance
of your campaigns and get detailed analytics on how they are performing cell p data Stay in the spotlight with targeted broadcasts Once you’ve captured potential customers, target them with promotions tailored to their interests to nudge them toward making a purchase or visiting a store. Depending on the nature of your business, you may want to direct them to speak to a salesperson first.