We personally take care of finding each user so that your account stands out from your competition. How to integrate Telegram into your marketing strategy: communities vs. channels. Telegram, with more than 500 million monthly users, has become one of the most used platforms at the moment. For this reason, it is not surprising that more and more brands are incorporating this social network as a new channel in their digital marketing strategies. First of all, to understand how to introduce Telegram into a brand’s marketing strategy, we must be clear about what objective we want to achieve.
Based on this, we can act
in three different ways: creating a community with our followers telegram blast through a group, using the platform as another channel to communicate or advertise in other influential groups or channels. 1. We want to create a community to interact with our users In this first option, we plan to create a community with our followers and we can do this by creating a “supergroup”. These types of groups can have up to 200,000 members and can be managed by one or more administrators.
Anyone can interact within them
and, in these, administrators have several resources professional insurance: a simplified obligation to better organize themselves: Group information: The group profile usually includes the purpose, objectives of the group, and hashtags that can be used to locate the most relevant information. Pinned messages: These are messages that administrators pin to the top of the group. Often, these messages are used to pin the group rules or other information, so that it is accessible to all members. Group rules: All groups usually have specific rules that are important to manage them in an orderly manner and not be filled with spam.
Hashtags: As with other social
networks, hashtags are keywords that people use to mark the topic of the cz leads content they are sharing. They are very useful for finding information on a specific topic. Bots: There are many bots that help us manage groups better. There are bots that welcome users, that filter spam, bots that do not allow certain behaviors, game or survey bots that make interaction between users more dynamic, etc. Telegram now allows you to make credit card payments in any chat and without leaving the app Within Telegram we can find groups of all kinds.