In the world of business competition

Every business owner must understand the types of brands, especially those that are legally protected in Indonesia. The types of brands certainly prevent incidents like those that were recently popular on social media. The brand itself is an identity, so it is not only limited to the name, logo, or product, but also an idea behind it. Brands can be obtained by anyone, as long as they have the innovation to create their own brand.

Sometimes there are parties who intentionally take advantage of the popularity of big brands for their own interests. Such as creating a brand that has a similar nuance to their brand. To protect against such incidents, protection is provided. In Indonesia it is known as HAKI (Intellectual Property Rights), so that ideas and their existence are recognized and protected by law.

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Contents hide 
  • Types of Protected Brands That You May Not Know About
    • 1. Trademarks
    • 2. Service Mark
    • 3. Collective Brands
    • 4. Functional Brands
    • 5. Brand Image
    • 6. Experiential Branding

Types of Protected Brands That You May Not Know About

In business activities, it turns out to have various forms, as a result the brand also has various types. In order to be able to better protect, it is how to build phone number list divided into several groups of brands, including the following.

1. Trademarks

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This brand is an identity attached to a product that is traded or offered to consumers. Usually attached to the packaging, either in the form of a name, logo, or other symbols. Through the brand, a customer can immediately recognize the product and its characteristics, even though there are other similar products. There are three types of brands, usually attached at the end of the brand name, namely ™, ℠, and ®

2. Service Mark

Not much different from before, but this is attached to the service offering to its customers. Through this, a business owner can protect the idea and concept of his service. So that it is not possible to be taken advantage of by other parties. Just like with உங்கள் படைப்பாற்றலுக்கான சரிபார்ப்பு பட்டியல்  the type of trademark, it has a different identification if it has been registered. Using the same symbols, namely TM, SM, and R. So that the protection is also better for business owners.

3. Collective Brands

Sometimes there are goods or services with the same characteristics and traded by various companies. To provide identity and protection, they are grouped into collective brands.

4. Functional Brands

Functional brand is the giving of identity and perception to a product or service according to its functional advantages. For example, when wanting to build a super fast expedition service, it is given the name KILAT. The giving of the name is certainly immediately attached to the minds of consumers that the service offered is very fast. Especially if usa phone list accompanied by the fulfillment of the delivery service. Between function, service, and brand, all strengthen each other.

5. Brand Image

Among other types of brands, this brand focuses on providing value benefits to its users, so that when its users use its products they can express themselves more. Because by using its products it can improve its image. For example, when using an iPhone product, it will grow the image that someone is rich. Giving identity to its users to improve their image is called image brand. This is also protected by IPR .

6. Experiential Branding

Experiential brands try to show their product identity through the experiences that their users go through when using their products. Starting from the setting, product design, accessories, adjusted to support the user experience. Each type of brand has its own advantages in reaching consumers. Creating a strong identity is essential in building awareness from consumers and differentiating from similar products.

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Indonesia has a good environment in developing brands, because it has IPR as legal protection for its brand owners. Therefore, you must understand the types of brands first, in order to optimize their protection.

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