It is better to refuse to buy such a store

 It is better to refuse to buy such a store. Yandex Webmaster Yandex.Webmaster allows you to analyze the technical condition of the store’s website: Identify errors on the site. To do this, select the “Diagnostics” tab and then “Site Diagnostics”. Online store diagnostics Check the “Security” tab. There should be no problems at the time of the audit. Otherwise, ask the seller to correct the errors before the transaction is concluded. Checking the security of a website Study the “Violations” tab. The site should not have any violations – confidentiality, legal and others. Violations on the site Pay attention to external links. Check your search query statistics on the Search Queries tab.

 Request statistics If all the listverification criteria are normal

 Request statistics If all the listverification criteria are normal, you can proceto the next verification. Offline audit At the third stage it is necessary: Check  It is better to namibia phone number library refuse to buy such a store with the seller how the confirmation of turnover and net profit is carriout. The entire summary must be through the current account. Under other circumstances, it is better to refuse cooperation. Compare three indicators: from the list of orders, from the bank account statement, from the analytics system settings. It is better to look at the data for one period. They should be approximately the same. Check the data of suppliers and previously drawn up contracts with them. Study the tax base of the online store being sold.

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 To do this, find out the company’s TIN and enter it on the FTS website.

If there is no data or the accounts are blocked, refuse here is an example using the switch structure the purchase. Find out whether employees are staying, how the registration process went, whether there are remote workers. Study job descriptions. Each employee should know what they are responsible for so that in case of a controversial situation, the problem can be resolvquickly. If the store has an office, it is better to check it out in person. Calltouch Attract, convert and analyze your customers Omnichannel Marketing Platform Read more How to cell p data determine the price of an online store The cost of an online store depends on net profit.


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