contact name: James Olander
contact job function details: founder + designer ceo
contact job function: arts_and_design,entrepreneurship
contact job title: Founder + Designer/CEO
contact job seniority: founder
contact person city: Denver
contact person state: Colorado
contact person country: United States
contact person zip code:
business name: The Roost Stand
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist:
business found year: 2012
business city: Denver
business zip code:
business state: Colorado
business country: United States
business language: English
business employee: 1
business category: consumer goods
business specialty: consumer goods
business technology: mailchimp_mandrill,gmail,google_apps,chartbeat,backbone_js_library,jquery_1_11_1,youtube,google_dynamic_remarketing,adroll,doubleclick,optimizely,facebook_web_custom_audiences,facebook_widget,nginx,google_adsense,google_adwords_conversion,shopify,twitter_advertising,doubleclick_conversion,mobile_friendly,google_remarketing,bing_ads,google_font_api,klaviyo,facebook_login,google_analytics
web writing: detailed portrait of a successful article
business description: Stop hunching over your laptop. The Roost is an ultra-portable, lightweight laptop stand that transforms your laptop into an ergonomic desktop workstation.