With these KPIs in hand, it is necessary to create a routine for measuring these results monthly, so that actions can be improv and optimiz every month, making the results gradually improve.
Learning how to calculate ROI is equally important. ROI ( Return Over Investment ) indicates, quite succinctly, whether what your company is investing in today is bringing the expect results.
This metric is essential for finding out how your company is performing and, if combin with KPI analysis, can make the business much more viable.
To calculate ROI, you ne to follow the following formula:
ROI = (Return on Investment – Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment
9. Manage suppliers well
Effective supplier management greece email list is essential. If your online store is not well stock, you may lose sales in the short term.
To avoid this situation, you ne to have good relationships with suppliers, always having a plan B (and, if possible, plans C, D, E…) at hand in case of problems.
This management can be done
Through prictability afb directory if you have data at hand capable of measuring at what times of the year you ne more products x or y, it is possible to keep this demand align with suppliers and negotiate, bas on a well-structur partnership, more interesting values and delivery conditions.
Good supplier a year later in 2002 yandex presentits algorithm management is also a way to ruce costs. As mention above, if it is a solid and successful partnership, your company can gain advantages that include improv product quality, faster delivery to the consumer and even lower prices for the end customer.
10. Have a well-defin visual identity
For your store to sell well — and, of course, to sell more and more — your brand nes to be well-defin. Therefore, investing in a quality visual identity is essential: