Turn Marketing Into Meaningful Relationships — Whiteboard Friday

Hey everybody, Navah Hopkins from Optmyzr here, and I am thrilled to bring you a Whiteboard Friday on one of my biggest passion topics — turning your offering into helping people. Because let’s face it, we are people, and we want to be helped. And if we’re marketing at or selling at our customers, we’re not helping them, we’re pushing them into a transactional “we have to be perfect, or we’re gonna lose them” versus that really meaningful long-term relationship.

So before we get into the nitty-gritty of the marketing, and we are gonna talk quite a bit about the mechanics of the different channels and how to think about your budgets and allocation, let’s take a step back and think about what goes in to your people.

Consider consumer learning style

The first thing is actually their overseas data learning styles. How do they process information? There was a 2014 NLM study that found that 65% of people learn best by seeing. That speaks to the visual content. You’ll notice that there’s a lot of ad platforms in even organic, that are really leaning into visual content. And that speaks to the fact that the majority of the population learn best by seeing.

However, there are also people like me. 30% learn best by hearing. And to give you a context

about what that means, when I read something, I’ll actually say it aloud in my head so that I can hear the information. It’s not just reading. So you wanna be mindful that some of us do actually learn best by hearing.

Finally, there’s by doing. So for those of you that have trials or that like to put out little testers of your product, this is the group that’s gonna do best by that. And it’s worth noting that only 5% of the population did, in fact, learn best by doing. So don’t leave your customers out in the cold to figure things out. Acknowledging that most people actually do need a little bit of guidance.

Values matter

overseas data

Next, 75% of folks will abandon a product if they do not agree with values. HubSpot found that when you look at a product or a company, you will abandon a service that you loved, a product that you loved, simply because the values don’t make sense.

I can speak to this in my own user experience, and I mean, let’s pick on Budweiser for a little bit. Budweiser, whether you agree or disagree, actually did lose customers based off of their campaign.

Don’t underestimate the value of UGC

80% of customers love to see user-generated you’re invited! john lewis rooftop etsy takeover content. So think reviews, comments,

testimonials, whatever. So for those of you that have been struggling with that 65% visual, this is the group to tap into.

When we’re thinking about all of these pieces of the puzzle of what goes into human behavior and how you can really connect with your customer, that then speaks to what channels will be best suited to reaching them. But then also from a budget constraint.

Visual content does tend to be cheaper because candidly, people are afraid to use video, and that is the biggest opportunity you have. So if you asb directory take one thing away from this Whiteboard Friday, it’s to lean into visual and let everyone else be afraid.

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