Web writing: Detailed portrait of a successful article

A blog post is meant to inform Internet users. But what’s the point of writing a post if it can’t even spark the interest of readers? That’s why it’s important to follow certain rules when it comes to web writing.

Table of Contents

In a study, a Semrush file explained phone number library in detail the typical structure of a successful article. That is to say, content with a good engagement rate on social networks, good traffic as well as an excellent backlink profile. This is what we will summarize in the following lines.

What is a high-performance article?



phone number library

There is no pre-established answer to this question. However, Semrush’s study based on the analysis of more than 700,000 articles allowed us to know the typical characteristics of an article more likely to generate shares and have quality traffic .

Content length: good point for long articles

According to the study, long articles (over 3,000 words) received 3.5 times more backlinks, 4 times more social shares, and 3 times more traffic compared to content between 900 and 1,200 words in length.

Moreover, it should be noted Zware Stormen, Tornado’s En that longer content generally has better SEO than short articles. Indeed, URLs located in Google’s Golden Triangle (first 5 places) generally lead to articles whose length often exceeds 2000 words.

However, the results of this study do not mean that you should say goodbye to short content. Know that snacking content can also be effective if it is successfully promoted.

The length of the h1 tag: always more interaction on long titles

Did you know? The length of your h1 tag also influences the engagement and traffic of your article . The study shows us that articles with longer titles (more than 12 words) perform better in terms of traffic, shares and backlinks.

Articles with an h1 tag that does not youtube user exceed 7 words do not arouse the curiosity of Internet users and therefore do not generate enough clicks.

We can therefore conclude that even if you publish an article with high added value on your blog, it will have no chance of being shared or seen by Internet users if the title is less attractive.

So, consider fleshing out your h1 tags with more information if you want to generate clicks and shares .

The type of h1: “list” and “how to” type articles are the most popular

In addition to length, the h1 tag must also meet certain criteria to effectively develop shares and positive reviews. Know that there are title formats that are more attractive than others and this is what this Semrush survey tells us.

Titles in the form of lists and “how to” are more effective compared to other types (guide, questions, etc.). This is explained in particular by the ease and speed with which the Internet user obtains information.

So if you want a huge publication reach, “  list  ” and “  how to  ” articles can be a great alternative.

Well-structured articles with multiple h2 and h3 tags are more engaging

We can never repeat it enough: the good structuring of a text is essential to facilitate the reading of an article and engage an Internet user . And this analysis by Semrush confirms it: 36% of articles with H2 and H3 tags are more appreciated by readers . In other words, well-structured articles are by far more effective compared to posts that do not have any subtitles.

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