What is Search Intent (User Search Intent)?

Search intent is the reason behind a searcher’s query on a search engine. In other words, why did the person search? Are they searching because they have a question and want an answer to that question? Are they looking to visit a specific website? Or are they searching because they want to buy something? Search intent (also known as user intent) is the primary goal a user has when searching for a query on a search engine. More often than not, users are looking for a specific type of answer or resource when searching. After all, everyone who searches online is hoping to find something.

What is Search Intent?

For many years, Google has worked to improve its search algorithm to determine users’ search intent. Google wants to narrow down the websites how to build telemarketing data that best match a search term and the underlying search intent of a particular search query. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that the content of your post or website matches the search intent of your target audience.

Take hamburgers for example. Searching for a hamburger recipe has a different purpose than searching for takeout hamburgers. This is different from searching for hamburger history. While they all have hamburgers in common, each searcher has a different purpose.

Why is Search Intent Important?

How to Build Telemarketing Data

Google’s primary goal is to find the most appropriate result for the questions users are searching for. Google states that its mission is to organize the world’s information so that it can be universally processed and used. This makes search intent a primary goal for SEOs. If a user searches for a term they want to reach and encounters irrelevant information, this sends a signal to Google that the intent does not match the content.

For example, if a user searches for how to ofertante pli bonan valoron ol la baza produkto create a website and is shown a large number of product pages for CMS platforms and hosting sites, the user will choose to search elsewhere without visiting any of the sites. This will be a signal to Google that the search intent was not met.

If you want to rank high in Google searches, you need to be the most appropriate result for the topic being searched. The first and most important thing you need to do is create content that fits the search intent.

Search Intent Types

While there are an unlimited number of search terms, there are only 4 basic search intents.

  • Informative
  • Preferential/commercial inquiry
  • Operational
  • Strolling

1- Informative

As you might guess, these are searches for information purposes. The user wants to find an answer to the question they are asking. These questions aob directory include how it is done, what it is, where it is done, why it is done, and other questions. People with informational purposes have a specific question or want to learn more about a specific topic. Informational terms may not always be questions. For example, a user searching for “Stephen Hawking” is most likely looking for information about him.

Google’s search intent goes much further than simply providing information about a term. It knows that a user searching for tomato sauce is looking for the sauce to use in cooking, not for its culinary history.

2- Preferential/ commercial investigation

Some users use web pages to make purchases and research. Which computer is more useful for products? Which SEO plugin is the most useful? This is when users use to further research products, brands and services. They have passed the information stage of research and have focused their attention on several different options. Here users are reviewing and comparing. They are looking for the best solution for themselves.

These searches often include localized phrases, like what is the best protein powder? or the best restaurant in Istanbul.

3- Operational

The user is looking to complete a transaction. This isn’t just limited to purchases. It could be an email signup, a lead generation form, a store visit, a phone call, or subscriptions. In all cases, they have a good idea of ​​what they’re looking for. These terms are usually branded because the user is looking to make a purchase.

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