Do you want to improve your brand’s customer experience?

According to a study conduct by Wunderman, about  80% of American consumers expect brands to show interest in them  and, only after receiving such attention, they consider a possible purchase. Satisfying this request is therefore one of the key points on which companies must focus.

Key points of the article:

  • The customer data platform (CDP) is the most important tool for optimizing investment and maximizing ROI in marketing operations, online and offline.
  • The customer data platform (CDP) supports continuous updating of user profiles, monitoring their searches and lifestyles (within the limits of privacy compliance)

Few companies are truly capable

Of providing personaliz experiences that increase customer engagement, and even fewer are optimizing the interaction with shoppers.  That’s because only a limit number of companies know how to get the right information about their users.

Think about the possibilities your company has right now to access the data ne to optimize customer engagement. For example, you may have a lot of data about demographics or purchases, but you don’t have the ability to get behavioral data, which reveals the likelihood that a user will choose to buy your product.

Another case that could arise within your organization is to have all the necessary data, but have a staff that is not adequately train to analyze it and/or that uses obsolete and inadequate systems.

Here’s what we’ll cover in this article:

  • What is customer data platform (CDP)?
  • Customer data platform (CDP): quantifies the value of data
  • What is the ROI of a customer data platform (CDP)?
  • How to get the most out of a customer data platform (CDP): define the right strategies
  • The Impact of Customer  whatsapp data ata Platform (CDP) on ROI: The Importance of Planning Short- and Long-Term Strategies


whatsapp data

  • How can you calculate the value of your data?
  • Customer data platform (CDP) helps increase customer loyalty towards the company
  • Customer data platform (CDP) helps ruce business costs
    • 1. Strategy
    • 2. Date
    • 3. People
    • What are the first steps to calculate the ROI of your CDP?
  • Final considerations
  • What is customer data  by lists platform (CDP)?
  • Customer data platform (CDP): quantifies the value of data
  • What is the ROI of a customer data platform (CDP)?
  • How to get the most out of a customer data platform (CDP): define the right strategies
  • The Impact of Customer Data Platform (CDP) on ROI: The Importance of Planning Short- and Long-Term Strategies
  • How can you calculate the value of your data?
  • Customer data platform (CDP) helps increase customer loyalty towards the company
  • Customer data platform (CDP) helps ruce business costs
    • 1. Strategy
    • 2. Date
    • 3. People
  • Final considerations


What is customer data platform (CDP)?

Customer data platform (CDP) is a marketing technology that allows brands to integrate all types of data and in all formats, regardless of the source, in order to obtain a realistic picture of the consumer, taking into account behaviors, preferences, transactions and interactions.

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