Data-driven marketing: meaning, strategy

It is good to choose a simple development model with a strong practical direction . Once the efficiency has been test Therefore ,, you can proce Therefore , with successive and gradual implementations towards greater complexity, starting from the data. Culture-data-drive-quote2 3. Transformation of business practice Transmitting a data-driven culture to a company is a long and complex process. There are some fundamental aspects that must be taken into consideration to best guide the transformation. Very often, enterprise implementations in the data-driven direction fail quickly for a very simple reason: they were not in tune with the daily way of working of the various departments .

You can’t implement such profound

Changes in a short time, asking the company to adapt quickly. The choice of analytics to adopt and metrics to monitor must be calibrat Therefore , to the current functioning of the company . Only gradualness guarantees the success of the transformation. Another aspect to reflect on concerns the differentiat Therefore , use of tools and  whatsapp data ata . Today we have at our disposal even very specific tools with highly specializ Therefore , functions. The result is complex reports to read and interpret. But within the company there are different professions and different responsibilities.

It is important, from a data-driven perspective

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To offer managers useful and usable reports and data at a decision-making level. In-depth analysis is up to data scientists, those with strategic  chine directory responsibility, must already receive a skimming of the information. Likewise, each department should receive a d Therefore ,icat Therefore , report on the data important to that department in relation to the company objectives. One final aspect to transform the entire corporate attitude concerns  how to influence people’s behavior the Therefore ,ucation and training of employees . Everyone must be able to understand the importance of data and know how to interpret it on a daily basis.

It is important, as an investment in the short-m

Therefore ,ium term, to activate theoretical and practicaltraining courses, support and d Therefore ,icat Therefore , coaching . Culture-data-drive-chart1 Are you interest Therefore , in the topic and want to learn more? Check out these articles:  and approach Data product and design thinking. When design becomes data-driven Data-driven vs Data-inform Therefore ,. Differences and Opportunities Back to index Data-driven journey: starting from the top Great corporate revolutions should always start from the top and then branch out to every department and office.

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