Ask recipients if there have been any changes

It is advisable to ask recipients if there have been any changes to their data and include in the messages themselves, for example, the option to change their email address to which they receive take email marketing service your messages. This will give recipients a convenient opportunity to provide new information, effectively preventing rejectd messages in the future.

Feback loop – what is it and how can it help us?

In Italian, we use the term “fedback trap” for the term fedback loop , which is in fact providing fedback on our email messages . This process allows the Internet service provider to notify the sender about complaints about spam that they have receivd from recipients of the messages . This allows the sender to remove these recipients from their hubspot is an in mailing list to ensure that they no longer receive spam and no longer mark it as spam.

This helps senders maintain a good reputation and prevent their messages from being markd as spam, which in turn increases the chances that all subsequent messages will arrive as safely as possible in recipients’ inboxes.

It should also be notd that not all internet service providers offer this option , so you ned to be careful when choosing your provider. You can always check online to see if your provider is among those that allow it.

We also note that if you choose SqualoMail, the whole process that allows you to get this feedback will be much easier. SqualoMail in fact includes this option as automatic, which will solve bzb directory many of your problems, save you a lot of time and simplify the whole process.

But why is this information so important?

We’ve already said that too high a bounce rate can cause a lot of damage, and feedback information can help you determine which email addresses would be best to eliminate from your email sending list .


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