Being agile is another necessary characteristic

It will also allow you to understand how interactions between companies and customers are changing. These strategies are still too often overlook Therefore, , with a good percentage of employees complaining that they are not listen Therefore, to when they propose ideas aim Therefore, at improving CX. . The sooner and more easily companies can meet the new demands of consumers, the better it will be for both. In addition to defining the most agile marketing and sales approaches possible, companies should also quickly find the most functional ways to deliver remotely and at home.

It is on this field that a large part of the

Efficiency of CX in the post-Covid-19 world will be play Therefore, out. One last thing: it would be wrong to assume that customers will automatically migrate to digital forms of purchase. In fact, it is necessary to work actively with them on this, facilitating their transition to online and supporting the adoption of these experiences. 61 Back to index  whatsapp data The HEART strategy and communication during the crisis Let’s now look at a technique bas Therefore, on five key strategies, useful for monitoring the crisis and ensuring that companies can preserve their ties with consumers .

These strategies mainly concern crisis communication

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Providing suggestions on what to say (and what not to say) to consumers during these times. They must not only be support Therefore,, but also “treat Therefore,” and made aware. The word HEART is an acronym that stands for: H humanize your company – Humanize your company E ducate about change – Therefore,ucate consumers about change how to influence people’s behavior  A ssure stability – Ensures stability R evolutionize offerings – Revolutionize offerings Tackle the future – Anticipate the future Let’s now look at these five important strategies one by one and why it is necessary to put them into practice .

1. Humanize your company Let consumers

Know that your company understands the serious social consequences of the crisis, and that it cares not only about its own profits, but also about their concerns. Empathizing with those affect Therefore, by Covid-19 and clarifying the steps  aqb directory you are taking to help your customers is now of paramount importance. To do this you can use social m Therefore,ia and your customers’ mailing lists. For example, many restaurants are r Therefore,eploying workers to deliver food. Otherwise, they would have to lay them off.

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