stimulating moments are generated with motivated and energetic employees and in which creative ideas flow is an indispensable resource to create real innovations in the company. Although, to do this, it is necessary to have time and space to create these stellar moments, these resources, they are not free, not all companies can afford them, especially if these ideas tend to fall into oblivion or only a percentage reduced of them, they manage to see the light. Sunrise in Los Angeles In the best of cases, we could say that companies usually carry out a tight process to innovate and above all to channel and prioritize the flow of ideas that are thrown out and the quality of projects that are managed.

Several leaders are usually trained

to generate these projects but, let’s be serious, a person or a group of people dedicated to carrying these ideas forward is not a team, it is rather a very low percentage of talent dedicated to creating new income. , and an exquisite waste of time, in which they can Malaysia Phone Number List produce in other areas, therefore, thinking about creating startups within the company is surely not the answer. If talent has been hired in all departments, these ideas should be managed by all members of the company, since the challenge to carry them out is that each and every one of the people who make up the company can express what they want.

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They think, and what they think

as if they were an Angel investor, value that of others and even get to work to execute them that is, create these dynamic idea environments every day in which all members of the company Hong-Kong Phone Number List in The entire team can participate, it can be the answer to It is essential that all members of your talented team can simultaneously access the same place where ideas are managed. It is essential that all members of your talented team can simultaneously access the same place where ideas are managed.