The Quest to Quantify Quantumness

It’s been more than 40 years since the physicist Richard Feynman pointed out. That building computing devices based. On quantum principles could unlock powers far greater than those of “classical” computers. In a 1981 keynote speech often credited with launching the field of quantum computing. Feynman concluded with a now-famous quip: “Nature isn’t classical, dammit. And if you want to make a simulation of nature, you’d better make it quantum mechanical.” It’s been nearly 30 years since the mathematician. Peter Shor came up with the first potentially transformative use for quantum computers.


In the 1990s, the physical ingredient that made quantum Phone Number List computers powerful seemed obvious. It had to be entanglement, the “spooky” quantum link between distant particles that Erwin Schrödinger himself identified as. The characteristic trait of quantum mechanics. Richard Jozsa, a quantum information researcher at the University of Cambridge. Helped show that entangled qubits are hard for classical computers to simulate. But he also argued that entanglement alone would not be enough to quantify quantumness. The Royal Society “Entanglement was mentioned very quickly,” said Richard Jozsa, a mathematician at the University of Cambridge. “And everyone just assumed that was it.” For a time, it seemed the search for that crucial quantum spice had ended before it even started.

A Little Bit of Magic

Jozsa knew that entanglement CG Leads was not the final word on quantumness. Because four years before his work. The physicist Daniel Gottesman had shown otherwise. At a 1998 conference in Tasmania. Gottesman explained that, in a specific type of quantum circuit, the seemingly quintessential quantum quantity. Became a trifle for a classical computer to simulate. In Gottesman’s method (which he discussed with the mathematician Emanuel Knill), the entangling operation cost essentially nothing. You could entangle as many qubits as you liked, and a classical computer could still keep up.

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