How to choose the best shipping option for e-commerce

Comments Delivery logistics is one How to choose of the pillars of how e-commerce works. When buying online, people don’t just expect the convenience of purchasing a product without leaving home. They want to be about the progress of each stage of the process and expect the item to arrive as quickly as possible. To meet these requirements, using an e-commerce carrier in this type of deliveries is a trend that is gaining ground. The challenges are not few. The typical characteristics of e-commerce, such as splitting small deliveries and requiring competitive prices, make this operation quite complex to structure. To give you an idea, logistics was the second biggest difficulty in managing virtual stores, according to the  of the National.

Furthermore, the cost of delivery is considered

One of the decisive factors in the purchasing decision process. Almost % of consumers in a survey out by the Protection conjunction with the National of Retail Managers free shipping to be one of the main Israel Phone Number List motivating elements of an online purchase, second only to product price, with %. Therefore, meeting customer expectations without compromising the company’s financial sustainability has become a real challenge. According to a survey out n partnership with , shipping is one of the biggest contributors to logistics costs in e-commerce, representing % of the expenses of the organizations . Therefore, knowing how to properly choose those responsible for online store deliveries.

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You want to learn how to do this, keep reading

Differences in the logistics of physical and electronic commerce Before choosing which e-commerce carrier to adopt, it is essential to understand Iran Phone Number List that there is a considerable distinction between the logistics of physical and electronic commerce. These factors to be taken into consideration so that the structuring of the operation is appropriate to the company’s reality. See the main differences below. Physical space Although e-commerce does not require physical space to display products, it is essential to have well-inventory and delivery management, as customers expect to receive their orders quickly. Therefore, there is a difference not only in the size of the storage location, but also in the configuration of the processes and how they.

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