Ebit Seal: what it is and how it can increase e-commerce sales

Comments The Ebit seal is a certification that classifies the quality of Brazilian virtual stores based on the opinion of their consumers. To do this, you must register on the website and meet the requirements to achieve recognition in one of its different statuses: under evaluation, bronze, silver, gold and diamond. According to data from a survey carried out in partnership between PayPal and BigData Corp, Brazilian e-commerce grew % from to This promising moment also represents an increase in competition, which makes many retailers look for ways to differentiate themselves. In this sense, the search for a good online reputation is a way to gain a competitive edge and convey more credibility to new consumers. This is because there is no point in attracting traffic through SEO strategies and investments in paid media if the user does not feel safe enough to complete the transaction.

Based on the opinions of other buyers possible

Stimulate sales and transmit a trustworthy image of your e-commerce. One of the ways to achieve this is through the Ebit seal, which presents Iceland Phone Number List an online store classification system based on surveys carried out with its customers. If you want to know how this evaluation works and how to make it available on your website to positively impact your conversion rates, keep reading! How important is it to offer a satisfactory experience? Before we delve deeper into what Ebit is and how its evaluation process works, it is important to understand why the experience that the customer has with your brand is so essential to the success of your business. Your e-commerce page fulfills the same role as a physical store; Therefore, you need to make your presentation.

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After all, what are the chances of you completing

Purchase after a negative experience for example, not receiving good service or finding low-quality products? All of these factors influence your experience and, consequently, the chances of closing or not a transaction within that store. The same thing goes for the virtual Russia Phone Number List world and, when we talk about e-commerce, it is essential to think about all the details. With digital transformation, globalization and other technological advances, the relationship between consumers and companies has changed, making it essential for organizations to take greater care in creating closer ties. All it takes is bad navigation, a poorly planned layout or a longer than normal loading time, and the user can close your page and open your competition’s. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that all details are in line with consumers.

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