The new functionality of the website will provide fans of the portal with the ability to easily create and join events of interest to them. LinkIn events share FacebookLinkIn How has it work so far? The inability to create events bothers many active LinkIn users. However, those who care a bit more have ways around the lack of the allimportant event creation feature. Until now, events were usually creat on another portal (usually Facebook or Evenea), and the link t. It has its pluses and minuses. First of all, the promotion of the event on LinkIn was very difficult.

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Add to this were all the complications of administration and control over the participants. There was also no easy way to communicate efficiently with participants. Therefore, the introduction of a new tool such as events on LinkIn will facilitate many marketing, sales, but also networking activities. If you want to phone number list reach LinkIn users, you will no longer have to invite them through, after all, a competitive website like Facebook. Is the LinkIn Events feature available to everyone.

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As with many of its other novelties, this time it was also decid that the event functionality on LinkIn would be implement gradually for all members of the portal. However, now everyone can join such an event by receiving an invitation from the  organizer or another participant. Knowing LinkIn’s activities so far, the new feature will appear on each user’s page in the coming weeks. How does the event feature on LinkIn work? LinkIn events (LinkIn Events) are available (or will be in the near future) on the left , where groups and hashtags are visible. It will look similar in the mobile CG Leads version. In the same section, you will also see the events you plan to attend.