BC e-commerce: everything you need to know

Listen to the article in the player below need to know Brazilians are already very familiar with using the internet to make purchases. To give you an idea, a survey carried out by the Credit Protection Service showed that % of internet users across the country made at least one online purchase in the last months. This explains, in part, why more and more entrepreneurs have turned to e-commerce. Among the various types of online commerce that exist, one of the best known and most popular is  an acronym for Business to Consumer. In other words, direct sales to end consumers.  we will explain exactly how the BC model works, what are the biggest advantages of e-commerce and the main challenges of investing in this sector, as well as showing what you need to do to stand out in online retail.

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Find out everything about is dominated by big names in the sector who, normally, also act as portals for other sellers what is called a marketplace. Some Malta Phone Number List examples are companies from the BW groups(Ponto Frio and Casas Bahia). The public for this type of business, therefore, is the common citizen, an individual looking for various items, from household appliances to clothes, going through an infinite number of possible products and services. Evidently, there are other players in BC e-commerce besides large retailers, such as individual micro-entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized companies. In common, everyone has an online store and uses the virtual  companies that operate in BC can also work with different business models.

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Common, for example, for an e-commerce

Store to also have a physical counterpart, a place where customers can pick up products purchased on the internet. Some organizations can also expand Latvia Phone Number List the audience to other companies, whether in the so-called BB or even to the government, in BG. Furthermore, investing in more specific niches (such as the exclusive sale of furniture, sporting goods, cosmetics, drinks, etc.) can be an alternative to seeking sustainability in such a competitive market. In these cases, the main benefits are the variety of products and the personalization of the shopping experience . The differences between BB and BC Before we proceed, it is worth making a greater differentiation between the most common e-commerce models: BB and BC. As we mentioned on the while.

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